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DWARF II Telescope FAQ HubUpdated 2 months ago

How to do polar alignment using DWARF II?

While DWARF II can achieve reliable tracking through implementing calibration, performing Polar Alignment can greatly reduce the field rotation marks on the edge of your astronomical works. To use DWARF II in this way, first prepare a tripod (with adjustable angles) and follow these steps:
  1. Learn the center axis of DWARF II telescope.

  2. Place DWARF II on the tripod, locate the North (or South) Star in the sky or refer to the Big Dipper (or Southern Cross) depending on your hemisphere. Adjust DWARF II to point its axis as closely as possible to the direction of and parallel to the North (or South) Star.

  3. If the North Star cannot be found, use a network search and a smartphone compass to find the latitude and polar point of your location. Adjust the axis of DWARF II to point to the polar point and deviate from the horizontal plane by the corresponding latitude, making DWARF II align with the polar point and parallel to the Earth's axis. For example:

  • If you are in the 32°N region, DWARF II should be adjusted to face the North, at a 32-degree angle to the horizontal plane.

  • If you are at the pole area (latitude 90°N/S), the axis of DWARF II should be approximately 90 degrees to the horizontal line, which is standing vertically on the ground.

  • If you are in the equatorial region (latitude 0°), the telescope axis should be 0 degrees to the horizontal plane, which is, completely laid down, and pointing to the pole of course.

  • The above are the rough ways of aligning the polar axis. If you want to align more accurately, please refer to the detailed video tutorial on the YouTube channel @Cuiv, The Lazy Geek, which teaches you how to achieve very precise alignment of DWARF II using just a straw! 

  • For detailed learning of what polar alignment is and how to achieve it with more pro kits, allow me to navigate you to this article created by the expert.

What if my target is not centered?

1.  First, confirm that the GPS data is correct in Settings-Location.
2. If you manually entered the coordinates of the target, please confirm that the coordinates are the J2000 version.
3. Try recalibrating and then select the target again to see if it centers properly.

Can DWARF II shoot the Milky Way?

The Dwarf II is not good for Meteor Showers, the Milky Way, or the Northern Lights. 
Currently, the angle range of our lens does not extend to such vast coverage. Additionally, our camera's astronomical mode does not support panoramic imaging, it is mainly constrained by hardware limitations.

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